Redesign project


Redesigning an exclusive accesories e-commerce platform.


Walla is an e-commerce platform from Argentina. The brand focuses on selling high quality accesories.

The challenge was to improve the bounce rate and upgrading the visual look while maintaining the slick, elegant and exclusive identity the brand has.


The IA, navigation, user interface and overall UX were redesigned and improved based on insights from user research and delivered in the form of a high-fidelity interactive prototype.


September 2022 -
October 2022




UX Researcher
UX Designer
Visual Designer



01. Discover

Site analytics

I began the redesign process by measuring and analysing the user activity on Walla in order to get a notion of who I will be redesigning for and what I should focus on.

Key takes

  • Traffic is increasing by month but bounce rate (28%) and visit duration (00:02:15) is suboptimal.
  • Majority is male (61%)
  • Age of most of the visitors lays between 25 - 34 (33%) while the second biggest age group is between 35 - 44 (20%)


I conducted interviews with users that resemble the main public of Walla and are familiarized with online shopping to identify their needs and pain points when performing their tasks. The 3 participants were male between the ages of 21-36.

Key Findings

  • Two out of three participants noted that customer reviews of the product are helpful.
  • All of the particiants mentioned the importance of filters when online shopping.
  • Convenience and wide range of selections are the biggest advantages for choosing to shop online.
"I often check [reviews] to see whether the quality is good"

"Seeing product reviews give me a sense of security before buying a product"

Competitive analysis

The process of comparing other e-commerce stores with good examples of IA, navigation design and UI design was done to serve as inspiration and guide me through the redesign.

02. Define

User personas

Based on my previous research, I conceptualized two personas similar to the demographics of Walla called Martin and Camila. These personas helped me portray the target users I would be redesigning for.

03. Ideation

Information architecture

Keeping in mind my personas and their tasks they would want to accomplish, I defined the content of the site by considering the hierarchical relevance of every page by prioritizing the existing content.


In order to begin laying down the foundation of the final visual design I produced several wireframes of the homepage, product listing and product page.

04. Design


The final visual representation of the complete redesign. To the left is the previous design for comparison.


Product preview


Product page