Personal project


A shared calendar application made to help roommates and house members organize and optimize the household cleaning schedules.


While dwelling online, I stumbled upon a real need of someone in need of a tool that would help them with the cleaning management of the household with her new roommate.
Given the lack of non-individual scheduling applications, she was in need of one that would actually mold to her urgent needs.


A collaborative multi-platform scheduling application that will allow its users to set and define a clear systematic cleaning routine and keep track of it.


May 2022 -
June 2022


Google forms


UX researcher
UX Designer
UI Designer


Web & Apple Watch

01. Discover

Competitive analysis

I began this design cycle by reviewing real user interviews of two similar apps to the one I had in mind and analyzing its strengths and flaws (setting aside any customer support related complaints in order to focus on solutions that can be addresed firstly in design ), thus gaining a general notion of the direction the project will head to.


For the initial gathering of quantitative results I conducted a total of 60 survey forms on regular people among them calendar users to get a perception of their general use of digital calendars.

Key Findings

  • 75% of people resported using a calendar most days.
  • Among them, 50% use their desktop operating system calendar and close to 93% use their phone operating system calendar.
  • Majority of respondants agreed that they would like to be able to cross out done tasks and have a better general overview.
  • A 25% of respondants regard customizing their calendar integral to their usage.


Diving deeper into the user research, I performed qualitative interviews with two separate college students who live in a shared appartment with a roommate. I gained valuable insights of them, their organizing methodology, their goals and pain points.

Key Findings

  • They've expressed dissatisfaction regarding traditional scheduling methods of organizing such as paper calendars.
  • Reaching a mutual consensus between parties regarding cleaning practices in the house proves to be tedious at times.
  • Keeping track of the cleaning material stock and who purchased what results in misunderstandings.

"There are days end up having small arguments regarding cleaning habits. We both think we clean more than we ought and we need a better way of clearing the matter"

-Julia, 25

"It's our first time living together, we are still learning [...] We sometimes get confused on who bought what and when."

-Julia, 25

02. Define

Affinity diagram

As the first step of the define stage and converging phase. I synthesized the collected data from my research into a brainstormed and sorted affinity diagram that would aid me in creating a first foundation for the ideation process and visualizing my findings and ideas that would come up.

User persona

Clustering the user data and with the use of the affinity diagram, I conceptualized a persona named Nina that would help me in empathizing with my target users as accurately as possible and designing a better product for them.

Empathy map

I felt the need to further empathize with my end users, so using collected qualitative data, I made an empathy map revolving around my persona Nina. This helped me visualize her attitudes and process when scheduling a cleaning day in a busy student lifestyle.

03. Ideation

Mind map

I organized and fleshed out my ideas and information in a visual hierarchy. Having a clear visual diagram of ideated solutions was a powerful tool in creating the first tangible concepts of the application to be designed later on.


Having a full yet simplified picture of the app's structure provided me with guidance on what to prioritize when doing my first designs.

User flow

In order to further clarify the path users will follow when using my product, I drew a user flow diagram to map out every step and movement the user will take to accomplish their task.

04. Design


I explored and improved my design solutions by a quick iteration through multiple sketches of how my product would look like. This was my final sketch.


Based on my previous sketches, I created a more accurate blueprint of the design of Roomie with some minor changes. This would change furter more later on in designing the final product.


Mockup sequence based on my persona Nina as the main actor.